Dear People in a
Crazy World,
As I write this, bombing suspect Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev is still on the run in Massachusetts five days after two bomb blasts
killed three and injured 170 people at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
Seventy-five miles south of me in
West, Texas, work crews, volunteers, and police are sifting through toxic
rubble looking for bodies at the West Fertilizer Plant explosion: the death
count from Wednesday has still not been confirmed.
Letters laced with ricin were
intercepted in Washington this week, addressed to President Obama and
Mississippi senator Roger Wicker.
On Wednesday, the senate rejected
an amendment to expand gun background checks, going against what the majority
of Americans clearly support, yet the NRA does not.
Closer to home, our own Kim
Bullock's daughters' elementary school was on lockdown Monday after a man
killed his pregnant girlfriend and eluded police for a few tense hours before
being captured in Dallas.
And outside of America, Crazy
World? Last week, North Korea pointed nukes at us—maybe. A blast in Baghdad
killed twenty-seven, and dozens were killed in Somalia at a courthouse attack. Dictators
are ranting or threatening, others are imprisoned. Earthquakes and
landslides and fires ravage the planet. The world keeps spinning, and it seems
the violence expands, all over the earth, all around us. We are not the center,
dear people, we are the passengers, turning against each other out of fear and
loneliness and hatred.
I wish I could write this letter
to you to provide a solution, or an antidote to this violence, this hate, and
to the randomness of pain. Instead I'm asking that we step back and take the
time to focus on who we love and the joy in our lives, instead of the latest
tragedy. Because when I look closely at the past seven days, my life has still been
filled with beauty and art, not just the bombardment of tragedies.
For example:

I was honored to listen to
Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Strout talk about her four novels, her writing process,
and her life in words.
I attended the theatre and
watched Wicked with my daughter and
her junior high choir, exploring the majesty of a live performance with
thirteen-year-olds whose faces glowed with amazement and awe at the beauty and
power of Elphaba, Glinda, and Fiyero.
I finished reading Sharon Olds'
latest Pulitzer Prize winning poetry collection, Stag's Leap, and George Saunders' latest short story collection, Tenth of December.
I did daily yoga, ran six miles,
did a few hundred push-ups, and went on a long walk.
I talked to friends who love me.
I hugged my daughters. I laughed with my best friend about a strange occurrence
in our neighborhood until we both had tears streaming down our faces.
And after the prompting of a
popular quote online, I watched several episodes of Mister Rogers Neighborhood to
remind myself to be kind, loving, and full of peace to counter the effects of a
hateful world. I reminded myself to be one of the good guys, or as Mr. Rogers
says, to be one of the helpers.
And so, Crazy World, good things still
abound, love and peace can only prevail if we choose to be the solution. Help
your neighbors and community. Laugh. Produce art, write new words, paint and act
and sing. Maybe I'm a dreamer, thinking art, words and song can save us. But at
the center of all art, prose, poetry, and music, is love. And love, I believe, is the
only thing that can save us.
Peace and love and words,